
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here's to the New Year

177 ps1

May this year bring me more joy and success and less grief and regret. And if I stumble and fail, may I have the grace and courage to get up, pick up the pieces, and move on.

May I never stop believing in my dreams for myself and for my loved ones. May I take the actions that will make them a reality. May I be able to readily give up any dream that I have that is not my loved one's and make his dream mine as well and support him unconditionally, no matter what.

May I learn to encourage more and criticize less, give more and need less.

May I be kinder to people around me and to myself.

May I always be able to let my loved ones and friends know how much of a blessing they are in my life. And may my presence in their lives be a blessing to them too.

Here's to another beginning. A blessed New Year to one and all!